17-05-2014 – Zoetermeer – De nacht van de stille kracht (LIONS)

nvdskThe Foundation Collaboration Lions Netherlands-Indonesia wants to use its influence and abilities to contribute to a world with fair opportunities for all. Therefor the INYS was invited to join the “Nacht van de Stille Kracht” in Zoetermeer in order to raise funds for the construction of a clinic/ rehabilitation center for leprosy patients in the village Ngallu on the island of Sumba. We are happy to announce that on this night the foundation raised €55.000 which is enough to construct a clinic/rehabilitaion center in Sumba.

We wish The Foundation Collaboration Lions Netherlands-Indonesia good luck with the project.

We would like to thank Robbie Dröge from the Lions Club – Nootdorp- Pijnacker for inviting the INYS for this special night, Manuela Biesheuvel for her amazing dance performance and Egide van der Heide who gave a inspiring presentation which Mr. Witjaksono Adji also aimed in his closing remarks.

It was a great evening!
